improving voice:
restoring confidence
Who can we help?
- Individuals with voice disorders such as muscular tension dysphonia which can be related to improper compensation, stress, secondary to laryngopharyngeal reflux, and improper technique
- Vocal pathology such as vocal nodules, polyps, cysts, granulomas
- Individuals with chronic cough or chronic throat clearing where all other contributing factors have been ruled out
- Individuals interested in gender affirming voice therapy
- Professional voice users/vocal athletes such as teachers, performers, telemarketers, radio broadcaster and individuals in sales.
- Individuals with neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s disease
- Individuals concerned with age related voice changes such as weak or raspy voice.
What is voice therapy about?
Voice therapy is aimed at improving or restoring vocal function.
- Voice is aimed at improving or restoring vocal function. Therapy may include:
- Education about the voice disorder and contributing factors
- Vocal hygiene which includes things you can do to take care of your voice
- Lifestyle and diet management related to laryngopharyngeal.
- Therapeutic techniques related to posture, respiratory control, phonation, articulation,, resonance and tension.
- Managing behavioural and other factors that can impact voice
What are the benefits of voice therapy?
Voice therapy may offer number benefits.
- Improved vocal quality
- Reduced strain and vocal fatigue
- Improved projection
- Restored or improved vocal function
- Reduction and/or elimination of cough and/or throat clearing
- Aligning voice with preferred gender
- Improved confidence and or quality of life
Types of Services Available
Individual Therapy
Our individual therapy sessions are personalized to meet your specific needs. It allows for more intensive focus and can target your specific voice goals. Individual therapy can be adapted and adjusted based on progress allowing for greater flexibility. We provide a supportive and nurturing environment to help you achieve your goals.
Group Therapy
Our group therapy sessions offers opportunities for clients to interact with peers who share similar challenges. It allows for peer feedback and support gaining insight and perspective from others facing the same challenges. Because if offers a more natural communication setting it can offer improved generalization of skills.
Assessment (1hr)
Treatment (45 min)
Treatment (30 min)
Location of Services
In Office
Services are primarily available within the clinic located at 240-2501 Jasper Avenue Saskatoon, SK. S7J 2K2
Our virtual therapy sessions provide convenient access to services from the comfort of your own space.
Get in Touch
Letʼs start your journey to better communication today!
Call 244-7865 ext. 2